
The Student Affairs Committee oversees student life and activities at MEGST. The committee includes: Dean of Students, Chaplain, Student Council, and four Student Affairs Committees: Sports, Social, Literature and Music.


Student Council

A Student Council (SC) is elected to represent the student body, coordinate student activities and outings, and represent student concerns to the faculty and administration.


Prayer Activities

MEGST organizes special times of prayer twice in the whole year. The community comes together on assigned day in the first semester to pray for the School and the country of Myanmar and beyond. In the second semester, the community spends time of prayer in the morning and in the afternoon, we spend time in praising God by items like sing song service, choir competition based on care-groups, Scripture Verses Memorization etc. For this the students are given autonomy to create.

Social Life

Students based on Care Groups play soccer either in the month of July and August. In addition, the school sets aside one day for Sports Day in the month of January that includes indoor games. These activities are planned by the Student Council in conjunction with the faculty and staff. MEGST Family Christmas is also held in good place in Yangon area in the month of December. One afternoon in the month of June is set aside for Fresher’s Day. This is mainly led by the first year students. This is unique tradition for MEGST.



Inter-Seminary Sports Competition

MEGST is a group-oriented institution. Sports competitions are held with other seminaries twice each year.